DIY Rainbow Fish Costume 

For this year’s Bay to Breakers in San Francisco, we decided to be Rainbow Fish. Here’s the final outfit!


White canvas shoes – we found some for $9 at Michael’s
Acryllic paint – we used 1/2 bottle from Michael’s
Glitter – we chose turquoise from Michael’s 

Take the shoelaces out before painting the shoes. Paint sections and sprinkle glitter on before it dries.

Rainbow Fish Top
Tank top
Sequins – we chose a mixture of blues from Michael’s
Fabric – we bought 1/4 yard of four colors and a half yard of the main color we wanted to use from Joann’s. 

Cut fabric into circles approximately 4 inches in diameter. Hot glue cycles onto shirt, overlapping them. Hot glue sequins on the straps. *If your shirt is stretchy, make sure to put it over a chair or have someone hold their arms inside to stretch it, otherwise the fabric circles will pop off when you put it on. We learned this the hard way!


Tulle – we bought 8 rolls from the Michael’s wedding section and didn’t have any left over. Keep in mind that sparkly tulle has a lot less fabric than regular tulle.
Elastic – 1/4 inch will work great

To measure how long the tulle strips should be, fold a portion in half and place next to your waist. Make them double the length you want to stick out from the elastic. For a puffier tutu that sticks straight out, cute them shorter. Fit the elastic to your waist and tie in a circle. After tying on all of the tulle strips, you’ll probably need to re-tie and cut the elastic because it tends to stretch out.

Fold the tulle strip in half and loop the open end over the elastic and through the folded end. Don’t pull too tight so you can move the tulle around and fluff it up. 

Use eyelash glue to attach sequins to your arms, chest and face. And don’t forget bright colored lipstick!

Want more costume ideas? Check out my post on DIY Costumes.

DIY Cute Santa Costume

Instead of spending $50-$60 on a baggy Santa outfit for Santacon, I got a little crafty.  I cut the top of used x-mas sweater for an off-the-shoulder look and hot glued fur around the collar and cuffs.

-Red corduroys that I can wear again and again ($16 @ Old Navy)
-Cheesy red X-mas sweater ($2.99 @ thrift store)
-Black boots (already had)
-Striped socks with fur at the top (already had)
-Santa hat (dollar tree)
-Black belt (already had)
-Fur ($3.29 @ Joanne’s)


30 DIY Halloween Costumes

Here’s a compilation of my costumes from college, most from halloween, which lasted 3-5 days every year, some from sorority mixers, and lots of SF adventures.


DIY Pride Parade costume


DIY Tooth and Tooth Fairy couples costume

DIY Rainbow Fish Costume


DIY Lumberjack costume


DIY Cupid costume


DIY Village People costume


DIY Bunny Rabbit costume

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


80s Tight and Bright costume


DIY Toddlers and Tiaras costume


Christmas Party costume


St. Patty’s Day costume


DIY ABC Fashion Show- Board Game costume

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Bay 2 Breakers costume


80’s Tight and Bright


ABC Fashion Show – DIY Anything but Clothes costume


Anything But Clothes Party


Anything But Clothes Party


Superhero Costume


Hawaiian Mixer


DIY Ninja costume




ABC Fashion Show-Bath Time


DIY Nala costume at Disney Date Dash


ABC Fashion Show- Holidays


ABC Fashion Show – Hannukah


ABC Fashion Show- DIY Loofah costume


America Party


DIY Toga out of a Pillow Case


C is for…Cake

Cheers Claudette 2

Easy DIY: How to Make a Tutu with Tulle

All you need is 1/4 inch elastic and at least 4 spools of 50ft tulle, which you can get from Michaels or any craft store. Keep in mind that sparkly tulle has a lot less fabric than regular tulle.

1. Measure out the elastic to fit your waist and tie in a circle. After tying on all of the tulle strips, you’ll probably need to re-tie and cut the elastic because it tends to stretch out.

2. To measure how long the tulle strips should be, fold a portion in half and place next to your waist. Make them double the length you want to stick out from the elastic. For a puffier tutu that sticks straight out, cut them shorter. I would recommend longer to start and if you want to make it stick out more, just cut it once you put it on.

3. Fold the tulle strip in half and loop the open end over the elastic and through the folded end. Don’t pull too tight so you can move the tulle around and fluff it up.


Want more costume ideas? Check out my blog post on DIY Costumes.